DataMax System Solutions offers NCR POS terminals and cash registers for retail stores, gas stations and the hospitality industries.
NCR POS TERMINAL SYSTEMS NCR RealPOS 7456 Terminal Powerful and flexible solution Scalable performance Broad operating system support Compact, retail hardened design Exceptional value and investment protection In today’s competitive market, retailers require flexible and innovative solutions that accommodate present and futurebusiness needs. The NCR RealPOS 7456 is designed to drive tomorrow’s high-performance applications while meeting today’s real-world needs for low-cost, rugged construction and investment protection. NCR POS Terminal Systems NCR 2170 POS Terminal NCR 7445 POS Workstation NCR 7448 POS Workstation NCR 7452 POS Terminal NCR 7454 POS Terminal NCR RealPOS 7455 Terminal NCR RealPOS 7456 Terminal NCR RealPOS 7460 Terminal NCR Dynakey Display Terminals ?